User Registration via Link
For Administrators
To invite new users, go to the Members module (represented by a purple icon with a white person), located in the NavBar.
Within the module, you will find the "Invite" option in the top-right corner. Clicking it will open a panel where you must select the role for user registration. Finally, you can copy the permanent link and share it with those interested.
💡 Reminder:
You can also use a temporary link if you want access to be valid for only a limited time. This allows you to control the registration period and restrict the use of the link once it has expired.
For Users
If you have received an invitation link from your administrator, access the platform through that link. Once inside, click on "Create Account", enter your name and email, check the verification box, and select "Start your registration now".
After completing these steps, your account will be created, and you can start using the platform.
💡 Reminder:
You will receive an automatically generated password in your email along with the confirmation of your account creation. Therefore, it is essential to validate your account and update your password to ensure secure access.
Within this panel, you can perform the following actions:
Registration with Questions
In this section, you can use either the simple platform link or the Requests module link to invite users to register via a request.
The user will follow the same steps as in the User Registration via Link, with the difference that, at the end, they will see a space where they must complete the requested information and click the "Continue" button.

Once this process is completed, the request will remain pending until the administrator makes a decision.

The administrator can:
Prohibit the user from submitting another request.
Accept the submitted request.
Deny the request, allowing the user to submit it again.
Account Verification
To verify your account, click on the green "Verify Now" icon located in the top-right corner of the Home page. Then, ensure that your email address is correct and select "Send Code".
Check your inbox, copy the verification code received, and paste it into the platform. Finally, click "Verify" to complete your account validation.

💡 Reminder:
The email must be active to receive the validation code.
Password Update or Recovery
Password Update
After validating your account, the option to change your password will appear. From there, you can update it and set a stronger password to protect your access.

Password Recovery
If you forgot your password, you will find the "Recover Password" option on the login panel. Click on it, enter your email address, and select "Send".
You will receive an email with a password reset request. Open it and click the "Change Password" button. This will redirect you to a page where you can enter and confirm your new password.

💡 Reminder:
Your new password must be at least 8 characters long, including uppercase and lowercase letters for better security.
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